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英文研究报告 2022年04月04日 08:07 管理员

The Russian Federation and Ukraine are among the most important producers of agricultural commodities in the  world. In the cereal sector, their contribution to global production is especially significant for barley, wheat and  maize. Combined, the two countries, on average and respectively, accounted for 19, 14 and 4 percent of global  output of these crops between 2016/17 and 2020/21. In the oilseed complex, their contribution to global  production was particularly important for sunflower oil, with just over half of world output originating, on average, in the two countries during this period. Their average shares in global rapeseed and soybean production are comparatively more limited, standing at 6 and 2 percent, respectively.

The prominence of the two countries in the world trade arena is similarly noteworthy in global markets of maize,  barley and rapeseed, and even more so in the sunflower oil sector, where their substantial production bases endowed them with a combined world export market share of close to 64 percent. The high export concentration  that characterises food commodity markets is also mirrored by the fertilizer sector, where the Russian Federation  plays a leading supplier role. In 2021, the Russian Federation ranked as the top exporter of nitrogen (N) fertilizers and the second leading supplier of both potassic (K) and phosphorous (P) fertilizers, as shown in figures 12 to 14.



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