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英文研究报告 2022年08月12日 08:47 管理员

To respond to these challenges, the White House declared that “we will position ourselves, diplomatically  and militarily, to defend our allies. And we will stand up  for democracy, human rights, and human dignity, including in Hong Kong, Xinjiang, and Tibet.” It emphasized that the United States “can do none of this work  alone” and will frst need to “reinvigorate and modernize” its alliances particularly in Europe and Asia. It indicated that “our democratic alliances enable us to present  a common front, produce a unifed vision, and pool our  strength to promote high standards, establish efective  international rules, and hold countries like China to account.” It also expressed support for China’s neighbors  and commercial partners in “defending their rights to  make independent political choices free of coercion or  undue foreign infuence.” Finally, the Strategic Guidance stated that the United States “will support Taiwan,  a leading democracy and a critical economic and security partner, in line with longstanding American commitments.”

Since the lifing of martial law in 1987, Taiwan has indeed made a historic transition into an outstanding  model of democracy with a thriving civil society that  has played a signifcant role in upholding the liberal international order. As President Tsai Ing-Wen (蔡英文)  recently wrote (in Foreign Afairs), “at the heart of this  [Taiwan] identity is our embrace of democracy, refecting a choice that the Taiwanese made and fought for after decades of authoritarian rule.” In its 2021 Freedom  of the World report, US-based NGO Freedom House  wrote that "Taiwan's vibrant and competitive democratic system has allowed three peaceful transfers of power  between rival parties since 2000,” and gave Taiwan the  second highest “global freedom score” (94/100) in Asia,  just below that for Japan (96/100). At the same time,  Taiwan has achieved remarkable economic growth  emerging from a developing agricultural society into an  advanced free market industrial economy and a major  player in the global technology supply chain. In 2019,  Taiwan was the United States’ 10th largest trading partner, outranking markets such as the Netherlands and  Italy, with USD $85.5 billion in two-way goods trade.



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