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英文研究报告 2022年08月23日 09:01 管理员

Beijing considers Taiwan an integral part of  Chinese territory that must be reunified with  the mainland.2  The United States views the  island polity of 23 million people as an impressive democracy, a high-tech industrial power,  and a good friend, even if not a country or a  formal ally. The previous commander of U.S.  Indo-Pacific Command thinks China may try to  settle the issue with force, perhaps even within  the next five years or so.3  This is certainly a  credible statement, as tensions are clearly high.  Various incidents involving close approaches  between Chinese and Taiwan military forces  rose by 30 to 100% or more from 2019 to 2020,  demonstrating the increasing acuteness of the  situation.4  And the trend continues; for example,  in 2021, China conducted a record number of  military aircraft sorties into Taiwan’s self-declared Air Defense Identification Zone.But can China conquer Taiwan? Throughout the  Cold War, and for some time after, the answer was  a clear no. Despite China’s proximity to Taiwan,  U.S. dominance in advanced air and naval weaponry during that time meant that it almost surely  would have defended Taiwan successfully. But  today, the answer is less clear. Because of China’s  recent and dramatic military modernizations, the  situation is now much more complex.  

Many Americans still seem to think that the  United States could prevail in defending its  faraway friend. For example, most arguments  in favor of retaining “strategic ambiguity” —  basing any possible American military response  to a crisis on Washington’s determination of  who and what caused the crisis — presume  that whatever America’s declaratory policy  is, Washington will be able to back it up with  military power.6 By contrast, Chinese thinkers seem increasingly  confident that the U.S.-China military balance  is shifting in their favor. In the last half decade,  Chinese grand strategists appear to have  settled on a more ambitious and expansive  vision for the nation — to broaden its influence  not only in the western Pacific but also well  beyond. By this logic, establishing superiority  over the United States in waters near Taiwan  is perhaps a necessary first step en route to  regional primacy. Chinese President Xi also appears to be on a mission to reunify  Taiwan with China on his watch, and to do so  sooner rather than later. Like the architects  of Germany’s Schlieffen Plan leading up to  World War I, or the planners leading up to the  U.S.-led invasion of Iraq in 2003, Chinese military leaders seem to be gaining confidence in  their ability to achieve precise battlefield effects  quickly. As the Pentagon’s latest annual report  on China’s military puts it.



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