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英文研究报告 2023年02月17日 07:29 管理员

Electronic, digital general-purpose computers  appeared about 100 years afer Babbage’s design.  Room-sized computers weighed tons and were  programmed with punch cards, but within three  decades, users interacted with desk-sized computers using the command-line interface.  By the 1990s, desktop-sized computers boasted  graphical user interfaces, and simple iconography replaced arcane computer syntax. Later,  point-and-click evolved to touch-and-swipe on  portable computers carried in pockets and worn  on wrists, and to virtual assistants that can understand voice commands. Today, extended reality  can take us to immersive 3D universes where our  digital doppelgangers interact and engage in virtual  experiences.

The technologies that power human-computer  interaction get more complex, but user experiences get simpler.  So what’s simpler still? Ambient experiences,  in which ubiquitous digital assistants monitor  the environment, awaiting a voice, gesture, or  glance, reacting to (or proactively anticipating)  and fulflling our requests. And beyond that? Neural  interfaces that aford direct communication between biological thought and digital response.  Today’s smart thermostats accept voice control;  tomorrow’s will know you feel chilly and proactively adjust to ensure your comfort. Researchers  are already exploring how neural interfaces might  help people with certain disabilities use brain  signals to control external devices.



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