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英文研究报告 2023年03月22日 08:37 管理员

In contrast, people in non-Western countries possess a clear preference for the war  to end now – even if it means Ukraine having to give up territory. In China, a  plurality of those asked (42 per cent) agree that the conflict between Russia and  Ukraine needs to stop as soon as possible, even if it means Ukraine giving control of  areas of its territory to Russia. This desire to end the war soon is even stronger in  Turkiye (48 per cent) and India (54 per cent). It is worth noting, however, that almost  a third of people in both these countries would prefer Ukraine to regain all of its  territory, even if it means a longer war or more Ukrainians being killed and  displaced.Reflecting on the war, Americans and Europeans are united in believing that Russia is an  “adversary” or a “rival.” 

Seventy-one per cent of respondents in the US, 77 per cent in Great  Britain, and 65 per cent in the EU countries polled alight on one of these two terms; they  regard the future of relations with Russia as one of confrontation.The growing hostility of Europeans towards Russia is reflected in their preference  not to buy Russian fossil fuels even if it results in energy supply problems. This is  the prevailing view in every one of the nine EU countries polled, with an average of  55 per cent of these EU citizens supporting it. By contrast, just 24 per cent favour  securing unobstructed energy supplies by continuing to buy from Russia.The non-Western publics studied differ from the Western publics not only in the  outcomes they desire for the war but in what they think about why the US and  Europe are helping Ukraine.



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