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英文研究报告 2023年09月27日 08:32 管理员

This briefing paper sets out human rights concerns arising  since early 2021 from online scam operations including  their link to human trafficking in Southeast Asia1 as well  as recommendations drawn from international human rights  standards.  These concerns occur in the context of wide-ranging digital  criminal activity such as romance-investment scams, crypto  fraud, money laundering and illegal gambling.2 At the time  of writing this paper, the situation remains fluid: hundreds  of thousands of people from across the region and beyond  have been forcibly engaged in online criminality, States  within the region are trying to identify actions and policies  to address this phenomenon, while criminal actors are  reacting by finding ways to change and relocate their  operations, building new centres across the region and  upgrading existing compounds. At the outset it is important to acknowledge that there are  two sets of victims in this complex phenomenon. People  who have been defrauded through online criminality are  victims of the financial and other crimes committed by these  scam operations. Many have lost their life savings, taken  on debt and suffered shame and stigma for having been  scammed. 

On the other side, individuals who are coerced  into working in these scam operations and endure inhumane  treatment are victims of serious human rights violations and  it is their situation that is the focus of this briefing paper.  People who are forced to take part in online scams are most  often trafficked persons and migrants in vulnerable situations  who face a range of human rights risks, violations and  abuses.3 A human rights-based approach to this complex  situation means not merely addressing organised crime or  enforcing border controls, but seeks to place the victims  at the centre of the response, by addressing structural  factors, tackling impunity and providing protection and  justice for victims of trafficking and migrants in situations  of vulnerability.4 Human trafficking is a recognised  criminal offence under international law and many of the  practices associated with trafficking constitute violations  under international human rights law.5 Violations of human  rights are both a root cause of trafficking and can occur  throughout the trafficking cycle.



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