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英文研究报告 2023年11月02日 07:58 管理员

However, the same does not hold true for development programs  funded directly by each government. AidData estimates suggest  that China provided only $16 billion (over the five-year period  analyzed) in overall programs directly from government sources  that were not routed through an SOE or SOB.60 These estimates  pale in comparison to estimates of official U.S. development  assistance and cooperation from the U.S. government over this  same period, which totaled just over $176 billion.  Combining both (1) direct government sources and (2) SOBs and  SOEs in the aggregate, these data suggest that China outspent  the United States in the developing world by at least $120 billion  (or 51 percent) between 2013 and 2017—a significant margin  over five years, albeit not an overwhelming mismatch in each  country’s reliance on development assistance and cooperation  as a tool of economic statecraft, at least in percentage terms.

The gap between U.S. and Chinese assistance has likely  narrowed even further in recent years. Recent estimates suggest  that Chinese overseas lending peaked in 2016 and has continued  to decline since that time, although it is not clear by how much.It is worth noting, however, that this overall picture of the volume  of U.S. and Chinese economic engagement in the developing  world is incomplete at best, given that it conflates the role played  by such semi-governmental Chinese entities as SOEs and SOBs  solely with that of the roles played by such U.S. government  agencies as DFC and Export-Import Bank. Specifically, such a  comparison neglects the independent role of the U.S. private  sector—particularly as an analogue to Chinese private-sector-like  entities with competing motives for profit, full employment, and  continued subsidization by the state—in carrying out comparable  investments and financing in the developing world.



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