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英文研究报告 2024年01月22日 15:11 管理员

Prepare for a dynamic sanctions environment. The  geopolitical multiverse is likely to lead to the US and EU to  increasingly focus on compliance with their sanctions on  Russia, particularly in third-party countries. And given concerns  about Iran’s role in the ongoing violence in the Middle East,  the US and others may strengthen enforcement of current  sanctions on Iran or impose new ones. This dynamic sanctions  environment could further increase the cost of oil and gas  globally. It will also create compliance challenges for many  companies. Executives should ensure their compliance teams have sufficient monitoring and execution resources to avoid  running afoul of sanctions. 

Adapt corporate treasury strategies. As the world moves  from a more unipolar to a more multipolar system, international  transactions are following suit. The share of US dollars in  central banks’ currency reserves hit 59% at the end of 2020  (its lowest level in 25 years) and has since remained near that  share according to the IMF. The Chinese renminbi is already  used for a majority of China’s cross-border trades, according  to Nikkei Asia, and other emerging markets are encouraging  the use of their own currencies as well. Companies need to take  these evolving foreign exchange dynamics into account when  planning their treasury holdings and managing exchange  rate risk. 



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